

Conduct Negotiated eCommerce

Best Value Reverse Auction or Negotiated eCommerce

Enables the buying organization or its agents to electronically tender the buyer’s eRFX for private bidding in a "Value-Indexed" reverse auction engine. Of the pre-qualified vendors/suppliers, only those that are specifically invited are given access to the bidding event

The auction engine automatically combines the non-price value ranking (see RFP evaluation Process) with the total cost of ownership bid to generate a rank-order composite Value Index for each vendor/supplier. The buyer or its agents can then select the best value vendor/supplier based on the composite of the non-price (qualitative) ranking and the total cost of ownership (quantitative) ranking.

This functionality allows the buyer to select the vendor/supplier based on overall BEST VALUE ranking.


Multi Variable Auctioning Capability


Private eCommerce

  • Natural Negotiation – Best value
  • Dynamic On-Line Negotiation – Reverse auctions
  • Multi Variable selection criteria & Indexing
  • Bid Optimization Via Value Index
  • Apples-to-Apples
  • Real-time email communication & alerts
  • Award based on Best Value
  • Procure-for-Deliverability
  • Collaboration/Join Process Optimization
  • Win/Loss analysis


View Model